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Welcome to Rustie's Blog, where she spills the tea on life’s ups and downs straight from her own wild ride! Get the lowdown on living your best life, finding your groove, and loving yourself like never before. Turn those bad days into epic wins and thrive no matter what gets thrown your way. If you're looking for a boost of inspiration, some killer advice, or just a fresh take on things, Rustie's blog is your go-to spot to get fired up and ready to rock your journey!

The Toxic Female & The Bear

Women are systematically devalued and marginalized by a patriarchal world order that dominates policy-making and leadership roles. 

7 Weeks to Grow, Thrive, and Expand

There’s nothing more empowering than coming to the realization that you can have, do and be anything you want! If you only had 7 weeks to improve? Would you do it? I challange you to take the next seven weeks to learn about yourself on a deeper level. I want you to thrive! BUT you have to expand what you know first….LETS DO THIS!

Week 2

Getting Clear

Using the table, you filled out last week, go back and write down exactly how you want each area of your life to look if there were no limits. What if you truly believed in yourself and what you’re worth.

Week 3

Discovering Your Power

Your assignment this week is to pick a single action that will drastically propel you forward towards one of your major objectives from day 2. For me? Its creating a to do list. For you? It's...

Week 4

Find Your Guiding Lights!

For each area of life you want to change, you are going to seek out people who you can follow, watch, observe and model. These are people who are already getting the results you want at each area of life. 

3-Day Momentum Challenge

Week 5

Your assignment this week is to choose 1 very small habit you can instill beginning today and executing for the next 3 days. A great example is dental floss. If you are not in the habit of flossing every single day, start...

Week 6

Direct Your Energy

You must put effort into everything you attempt, otherwise you can never develop happiness. The truth is that you need to try different things to see what you enjoy.


Coming Soon!

Week 7

Archived Content

Living & Thriving with Rustie

1235 East Boulevard, Suite E 1663

Charlotte, NC 28203

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